eBooks on Mathematics and Physics applied to Engineering

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 eBooks on Mathematics and Physics applied to Engineering

This series pretends to enhace the impact of Mathematics and Physics in Engineering, promote worldwide and bring closer the digital and electronic format to the memebrs of the scientific, academic and university communities.

  1. Francisco Javier García Pacheco, Math Dept (UCA)
  2. Antonio Jesús Arriaza Gómez, Stats Dept (UCA)
  3. Sol Sáez Martínez, Math Dept (UCA)
  4. Moisés Villegas Vallecillos, Math Dept (UCA)
  5. Clemente Cobos Sánchez, Electronic Dept (UCA)
  6. Fernando Pérez Peña, Electronic Dept (UCA)
  7. Angel Quirós Olozábal, Electronic Dept (UCA)
  8. Carlos Rodríguez Cordón, Electronic Dept (UCA)
  9. José María Sánchez Amaya, Chem Dept (UCA)
  1. Daniele Puglisi, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.
  2. Alejandro Miralles, Department of Mathematics, Jaume I University, Spain.
  3. Marina Murillo Arcila, Department of Mathematics, University of Valencia, Spain.
  4. Juan Antonio Leñero Bardallo, Electronics Deptartment, University of Seville, Spain.
  5. Piotr Nowak, Department of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland.
  6. Joe Diestel, Department of Mathematics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA.
  7. Bentuo Zheng, Department of Mathematics, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
  8. Mienie de Kock, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Killeen, Texas, USA.
  9. Geoff Diestel, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Killeen, Texas, USA.

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